Do good to please god the lord gave us instructions on how to pray, fasting and lot more!
Chapter 6
1.) Do good to please God Matthew 6:1-4
a.) Do not do your charitable deeds before men
b.) Do it in secret so your father in heaven can reward you openly!
2.) How to pray Matthew 6: 5-14
3.) Fasting to be seen by God
a. Anoint your head and wash your face to appear as your fasting. Do it secretly so the father can reward you openly. Matthew 6:16 -18
4.) For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-20
5.) The Lamp of the body is the eye Matthew 6:22-23
a. The eye is good then the whole body will be full of light. If the eye is bad then the whole body is full of darkness. How great is that darkness?
6.) You can Not Serve 2 Masters Matthew 6:24
7.) Do Not Worry Matthew 6 :25-34
a. Why do you worry about clothing eating and drinking The Lord always knows what we need, he will provide faith in that. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Do not worry about tomorrow.