Dear Believers & Unbelievers (What does Jesus Say)

Genealogy of Jesus, Mary, & Wiseman (Book Of Matthew Chapter 1 & 2)

Episode Summary

The Savior was born Jesus Christ!!

Episode Notes

The Book Of Matthew  

Chapter 1 & 2

  1. Genealogy of Jesus  Matthew 1:1-17

      Matthew traces the lineage back 42 generations from Abraham. The messiah was from the line of David. Joseph was the ancestor of David.

2.) Who is Mary? 

Mary who is she was the mother of Jesus and a virgin betrothed which means engaged or married to joseph before she came together with child by the holy spirit. She was pregnant with Jesus! Matthew 1:18-24

  1. Joseph was a just man when he found out she was pregnant and wanted to put her a way meant to divorce her. He didn’t want her to be put to shame, being stoned to death was the punishment for adultery.
  2. But Angel came to Joseph in a dream and said don’t be afraid to take mary as your wife! Matthew 1:20-21

3.)  Wise Men from the east was a respected group of scholars that study the stars and other sources to know about the future Matthew 2:1-12

  1. Wise Men came from the east to Jerusalem saying Where is he that has been born King of the Jews.  Matthew 2:2
  2. Herod The Great was a king of Judea by the Roman Senate 37 BC he wanted to protect his throne at all cost.
  3. Herod became troubled when he heard this from the Wiseman and gathered all of the chief priests and scribes. He wanted to know where the child would be born Matthew 2:3
  4. Herod secretly gathered with the Wiseman and asked what time did the star appear. He wanted the Wiseman to bring the child to him so that he might be able to worship him also. Matthew 2:7-8
  5. When they were traveling and saw the star they rejoiced and went into the house and saw Mary with the child. They brought Jesus gold, frankincense, and myrrh and praised and worship him. Then they were warned in a dream not to return to Herod so they departed for their own country another way. Matthew 2:9-12
  6. Joseph had an angel of the lord appear to him to flee to Egypt until it is safe because Herod is trying to destroy the child.
  7. Herod had all male children killed in Bethlehem he found out the Wiseman deceived him and became angry.
  8. Nazareth how did Jesus come from her?
  9. Herod had died and angel of the lord appeared to joseph in a dream and told them to go to Israel. Joseph got scared because the new king Archelaus was wicked. So the angel of the lord to him to go the North that is the region of Galilee city of Nazareth.